Friday, January 25, 2008

And a R.E.M song was playing in my mind

THE SONG: It's the end of the world as we know it (I feel fine)

always loved Stipe et al's humour in everything- Apocalypse, frienemies (friends turned enemies)and putting men on moons.haha

oh, and how strange that listening to Sonic Youth/or any American Alt-rock band for that matter, does make you feel like a teenager all over again.

Thank god for them, for the vicarious throwback to awkward adolescence. We need it sometimes (baggy jeans all)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Product of the system

I am a product of the system.

will B.B get me?

I live in a cuboid. I dream dreams of unfinished examinations, usually Math or Chemistry.

Are you reading this?

I am doubting the social contract terms that I signed up for, B.B.

You think I'm a mere statistic, duncha?

Will you drive me, or should i drive myself out of your reach?

Tell me who the conservative majority is and I will show you mine

The seams are bursting, I'm growing fat on your ideals and clean roads. That's unhealthy right?

6,500,000 is the magic number. How about 6,500,000 - 1 now

I promise I'll be good.

(Just get rid of the young-couple-with-irritating-yakking-terrier-we-own-a-plasma-screen-and-work mindlessly-for-you-B.B living next to my pigeonhole)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Never Ever

Took the cab back with Sari last night. And at 2:56 a.m, the radio played All Saints' "Never Ever". Rewind one week earlier at about the same time, same song plays and we were idiots singing along.

Deja vu vu vu vu.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It was getting a bit too long a wait, she thought to herself. Standing outside a suburban McDonald's outlet with a dog on a leash. And the dog was one she hardly knew.

The dog was salivating, a bit too much, as if there was a silent Pavlovian experiment bell ringing near them. But she was a cute dog, big, nice fur and more importantly, not barking incessantly like the other small noisy brats of a canine.

Staring at the string of drool making its way to the ground from the heaving dog's mouth, she remembered what M texted her.

"What time are we meeting? Dogs??
Keep the dog away please. seeya."

At that instant, she could almost taste the noodles and the bits of mince pork she had for dinner. She had to rinse her mouth.

Meanwhile, the dog has gotten herself an admirer in just minutes. A good-looker, clean-shaven and dressed in a sharp-shirt. He (She thought he was the banker type) was patting the large dog and speaking to it in babyspeak.

"Is that your dog?" he asked.

"No. Just a friend. We're waiting for him out here," she said while spying at his shoes.

"Oh. Is it a she or a he?" he said.

"A she." she answered.

"She must be a collie? She's really pretty.Is she a pure collie? Or maybe a shetland sheepdog" he eagerly asked.

She looked at him and he was sure a handsome man, but she was clueless about the parentage of the bitch.

"er, I'm too sure? Do you have a dog?" she said.

"Yes. I have a beagle. Not very old. Just about five months old,"

"oh. A beagle," she continued, trying hard to mentally picture what a beagle looked like.hmm. Does it look like a Jack Russell?

"He's in heat now. My beagle." he said.

IN HEAT? Did she hear wrongly? His dog was in heat. The dog can't possibly breed with the dog here, they are different breeds and it was a case of BIG dog with SMALL dog. copulation sounded like a difficult task to her.

"Oh. I got to go now. Nice dog you got there. Bye." he said.

"Bye." she answered.

The dog continued panting and drooling all over the tiled floor. Bizzare inter-special experiments crossed her mind.

Both the dog and herself were getting tired. She could smell the pork in her mouth again.