Tuesday, September 18, 2007

To Be Young Subterranean Homesick Blues

Earwormss of the week.

Ryan Adams' To Be Young and Grandaddy Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues.

Uncannily, both the songs sound alike, their hooks and song structure. And the themes, about (wasted) youth.

Hands down, my favourite line from Mister Adams:

"When your young you get sad, then you get high. You get high. Oh man,"

Laos (3 more days!)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Confessions on a gancheong spider

I created quite a ruckus yesterday with my incessant worrying over a book which I supposedly and believed that I misplaced in school.

Book in point belongs to Mr Duffy, my final-year project supervisor and it's one of those student-published books that are irreplacable. It was loaned to me, along with five other student projects in a bid to impress a government official who Clarence and I were meeting to brief them on our project.

Yes, I couldn't find that particular book on Thursday morning before meeting the official. Panic struck me and gan cheong queen took over. In a blurry fit of anxiety, I took out my phone and started punching SOS text mesages to 12 different people who might have seen the book, been near the book ( which was on a table in school) or would be in school and able to help me look for the book.

So 12 good people and friends did their job, looked around the school, went to enquire at the lost and found counter. And they are realised they were going through the same motions, in a bid to help me. Also, that's when they realised I mobilised like a search team for that blasted book.

Alas, the book was not found. BUT, to my horror, digust and shame. Upon reaching home, I saw that book-once-thought-lost happily lying on the tabletop.

It's the same old plot to these "lost" things indeed.

"Oh, I found the book under that table while vacuuming," said my dad.

And in daniel's famous last words: "Don't search, just vacuum."

All apologies for the fuss I kicked up. Nonetheless, a friend in need is a friend indeed. Grateful to the entire search team.

( Final-year Project idiots Rachxf and clar bear. We battle the green biatch!!!)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Dream Diaries.

I remember a friend describing a dream to me.

He said we were at a beach (methinks). In this subconscious realm, I abandoned him for a group of school friends and never turned around. Just walked away.

I wondered what I said to him before I walked away.

And leaving people behind is unusual for me.