Thursday, July 19, 2007

Insomnia besets

I was thinking about all the juvenile and infantile things that a 19 year-old me have once said to someone.

I cringed, I laughed and I wished I had said something better (to save whatever we could)

Funny how words can change the way things swing.

Meanwhile ( a word i have been using a tad too much, cos i use it in my AFP oil market stories), I learnt a new word!

rap·proche·ment (rä'prôsh-mäɴ')
A reestablishing of cordial relations, as between two countries.
The state of reconciliation or of cordial relations.

Hmm, a sign perhaps.

1 comment:

Ben said...

a word as bombastic like that can only do its job to save the utter embarrassment of a grammatically wrong sentence. missing sg already. take care.